Verband unabhängiger Musikunternehmen kritisiert Apple

Verband unabhängiger Musikunternehmen kritisiert Apple 1

Apple Music wird am 30. Juni an den Start gehen, die folgenden drei Monate erhalten Labels und Künstler keinerlei Vergütung. Dafür erhalten die Künstler später einen leicht höheren Anteil, als es bei der Konkurrenz der Fall ist. Außerdem geht Apple davon aus, dass durch Apple Music mehr zahlende Kunden gewonnen werden können.

Der Verband unabhängiger Musikunternehmen e.V. hat in einem offenen Brief an Apple dieses vorgehen kritisiert, der Verband sieht die kostenlosen Probemonate für die Existenz der Künstler in Gefahr. Der offene Brief von Jörg Heidemann:

„Dear Tim Cook, dear Eddy Cue,

I am writing to you today regarding the terms of your new streaming service Apple music. We, the German Association of Independent Music Companies, represent 1,300 German music companies – labels, publishers, distributors, aggregators, self-marketing artists etc. Our members produce 35 % of the recorded music used in Germany. They embrace innovative ideas to connect with music fans and the long-term relationships to their artists are at the core of their businesses.

We always believed that Apple aims at reaching fair deals with all players and not just with the three remaining major labels. The terms of the contracts sent to independent labels unfortunately tell a different story. You want to make Apple Music THE platform for music lovers worldwide by bringing them “more music than ever with access to millions of songs”. In our opinion – and as other cases like Myspace have proven in the past – you won´t succeed if you don´t take the independent music companies on board.

Your plan not to compensate independent labels during the three-month trial period leads to the assumption that you don´t respect the music of independent artists or the work their partners do. It is obvious that this will reduce the overall income for independent artists and labels significantly at a time when many depend on every cent for survival.

Your company is not a start-up, your company is the “first U.S. company to cross the $700 billion valuation mark” and the biggest digital music retailer, so we´d assume you´re definitively able to pay the independents and their artists. Your company wants to use the content independent artists and their partners created, which took hard work, money and time. My guess is that without this music Apple Music won´t be that interesting, actually it might be quite boring with just mainstream acts on board.

Independents shouldn´t be the ones paying for your customer acquisition and the risk of the launch of your service. Instead, you should pay all partners as you did in the past. Apple used to be a highly valued partner of independent music companies and we´d like to see this relationship continue.

This means it should go without saying that you pay for the music you´re using in your new service, starting the first day of its launch and not after a period of three months. Show the respect for the work of the artists and their partners you used to show in the past!

Apple Music can definitively become a great place for music but you should try to reach that aim WITH the independent artists and labels. To get the independents on board, offering a fair deal, fair compensation and a seat at the table is the basis.

Therefore, we´d really appreciate an explanation for Apple´s behaviour towards independent music companies and hope that Apple will rethink its contract terms. We´re ready to talk, so are many independents worldwide.

Sincerely yours,

Jörg Heidemann

Secretary GeneralVUT – The German Association of Independent Music Companies“

Ob dieser Brief an Tim Cook und Eddy Cue was ausrichten werden gilt zu Bezweifeln. Allerdings muss auch bedacht werden, dass wenn die Künstler nicht auf Apple Music vertreten sind, ebenso keine Einnahmen kommen. Letztendlich bleibt den Künstlern und Labels nichts anderes möglich. Es gibt allerdings auch eine andere Seite der Medaille, es gibt durchaus Künstler und Labels die sich hierauf freuen und neue Perspektiven sehen.

2 Kommentare

  1. Leslie Alan Antworten

    Ich bin wirklich gespannt, wie sich der Dienst entwickelt. Natürlich sind die drei leeren Monate nicht toll. Im Gegenteil. Trotzdem habe ich die Hoffnung, dass Streaming auf eine neue, von den Kunden gern bezahlte, Ebene gehoben wird. CD’s und Downloads haben im Musikbereich wohl die längste Zeit die Nummer 1 innegehabt…

    • Manuel Autor des BeitragsAntworten

      Vielen Dank für Dein Kommentar! Ich bin ganz deiner Meinung. CDs und Downloads haben schon beinahe das Zeitliche gesegnet, wobei CD-Verkäufe noch recht Dominant sind. Wie es in Zukunft bezüglich Streaming aussieht, bleibt spannend.

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